What is it about him that can make me feel the happiest with just a smile? God im helpless when it comes to him. If this is love, let me be in love forever, with him, just him.
Sunday 25 May 2014
Thursday 22 May 2014
Catchin' up
Sunday 15 December 2013
As the cloud is crying
Ive always said to myself, dont run from your problems, face it instead. Because its just a matter of time bfore it comes and haunt you back.
I have a lot to think right now. Ya Allah, I know You are the best Planner, show me whats the best for me, and him. So us the best path for both of us, together. Because i know, You are the best Listener after all. Amin.
Future scares me
I tend to think about my future too much, i cant live my life now to the fullest.
Whenever i go to weddings, id be staring at old folks and wondering how do i look when im old. Tengok how their skin are, tengok how they eat very slowly because tak ada gigi dah. Im scared:/
But i guess i just have to be mature, continue living my beautiful life because aging will occur to everyones life, i cant run from it. Though i wish ill be 90 and still look as fine as i am now, as gorgeous as i'll ever be hahaha bring it on wrinkles! I'll stay awesome! Ahahaha
I'll be old and someone will be looking at me and says "i'd never get tired of seeing u & your beautiful face" :) - the love of my life.
Tuesday 29 October 2013
My first post after soooooo long
Wednesday 3 April 2013
I woke up with so many negative thoughts in my mind. I woke up to "what if i dissapoint my parents?" that has been the most scary nightmare i dont even want to go through. REDHA kata hati kecil. kau usaha pun tak banyak, hujung hujung tanduk baru nak sedar. Dush.
Beratur punya beratur. i was shaking. Kepala otak ke laut. Not in the hall. Received the slip, nooooooo words can describe how so much thankful i was. I looked at the slip for several times (cant believe it is real) before i cried.
Called parents, spread the good news. Hugged my friends, thanked the teachers. Cari teachers and thanked Allah. I am so greatful. So so greatful He heard my prayers & actually granted them. Exactly how ive been pray for. :-) tidak lah straight A's. tidak la best student. cukup, cukup untuk buat my parents happy, cukup untuk further study, cukup untuk idamkan masa depan yang cerah. congrats my girlfriends, u guys did great. semua pun beyond expectation kan? Alhamdullilah.
Thursday 18 October 2012
After so long?
Hey. Im actually writing thru my phone so this post mcm experiment la haha
Hey. Dulu ada rasa jugak nak change my blog to public but lately rasa mcm better orang x baca what i wrote.
Hey. 16days to go to spm. Verrry nervewrecking, im not ready and never will i guess?
Hey. Im supposed to do something else instead of blogging. Gotta ciao now.